Hope to the hurting. Healing for the broken hearted. Peace for the soul and everlasting life for all those who believe.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Emma is three and her most recent response to everyone is, "What did you say?" We are really not sure why she asks this question constantly but I was thinking about it this morning.
We are so much like her in our walk with the Lord. He tells us something and we sit there and say, "What did you say?" There are times I say it to the Lord because I don't know if I really understand what he is actually trying to teach me. Then there are times I say it because I'm not ready to respond to what he is asking me to do.
This morning while drinking a cup a coffee I began thinking about a card my sister sent me that said, "Tough times don't last, but tough people do!" This time I said to the Lord, "What did you say in Philippians 4:13?"
Me, myself and I have had to have long discussions about exactly what I can do and what I can't do. According to the scripture, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Therefore it's up to me to make sure that I am in the Father's will. I will only find my strength in him and be able to make it through tough times.
Do you ever wander if the Lord looks down on us like we do our children and grandchildren? I wonder sometimes where Emma is coming from when she asks the question constantly but I understand that she is in a learning process. For whatever reason she is needing to have things clarified, I am willing to sit and say it over and explain it if necessary.
The Lord has always been patient with me, loving and willing to teach me what I am in need of.
But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. (Psalm 86:15)
Friday, February 22, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
When we think about how small we are compared to the universe we feel like a grain of sand in the vast ocean. This can cause us to start thinking that the Lord doesn't care about us and we are somehow in this world groping around attempting the survive without his hand on our lives.
The Lord is constantly putting something in my path that proves this is just not true. Upon completing a job interview yesterday and starting the drive back through the medtroplex, I stopped to get gas at a Seven-Eleven convenient store. As I walked through the doors there was a lady there and she showed a great amount of kindness. As I shopped around in the store I noticed how relaxed and comfortable I felt even though I was in the metroplex area where I should normally be quite tense. Then I realized the music playing over the sound system was a christian song. Matt Redman was singing the wonderful song, "You never let go."
How often does that happen in a convenient store in the heart of Dallas Texas. The Lord knew what I needed, he knew I would fill my truck with gas and he placed the person inside that store for such a time as this. He wants us to know he is ever present and leading the way for us.
Maybe you are one of those people who don't believe the Lord cares about me that much. Well, I am here to tell you that even though I am a tiny piece of sand in the middle of the vast ocean, my father sees me and knows my need.
Upon leaving the store I made it a point to tell the manager how much I appreciated the music that was being played over the sound system and what it meant to me at that very moment. I must say, "I am blessed."
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. (Luke 12:7)
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The trials have been great over the last five days as we were making our way into the a new area, unpacking, and adjusting to change.There is something that has surprised me during the whole process.The Lord has given me the greatest peace in my life.The storms are raging and beating against me in every direction, but the vessel is steady. Steve even commented yesterday that he noticed a great peace in my life about the whole change of events.
About ten days ago I read a poster and it said, "Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell your storm how big your God is. How true is that statement. It was so true that I decided not to just read it but to apply it personally to my life.
Earlier today I was thinking, "I must be in the eye of the storm where it is calm." I know the storm is raging all around me, but I only feel the stillness and peace of God.
With this being said, I must also say a special thanks to all of my wonderful friends and readers who lift me up continually in prayer. Without the prayers of my faithful prayer warriors, I could have never survived.
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. (Colossians 3:15-17)
Monday, February 18, 2013
Many of you know and have read about our lives when we lived in Ignacio, Colorado. I had a deep love for the mountains and its spectacular grandeur. One of my fondest memories was waking up in the morning and walking into the living room of our "A" framed house and seeing the La Plata Mountains capped with snow. The living room in this two story house was glass on three sides from the top story ceiling to the top edge of our sofa that sat on the bottom floor. If you wanted to see breath taking beauty it could be found at that very location. It was always an awesome experience to place visitors upstairs and listen to them wake up the next morning.
One of the other spectacular things about living in the Pine River Valley was the wonderful people. The Guffeys, Faverino's, Witts and Klusmans all lived on ranches and farms filled with excitement and wonder. Each summer the Faverino's would move their cattle up to Missionary Ridge outside of Durango for better grazing, making the cattle healthier and richer in quality for the sale. This event was not an easy one, but the Faverino's knew that it was the best thing for the cattle.
For some reason this thought was on my mind as I woke up this morning in a motel room in Weatherford Texas. Asking the Lord why I would wake up with this thought, he began to show me.
I myself am like the cattle the Faverino's owned. My feet do not want to climb the steep terrain. My nature is to resist and cry out. It would be so much easier to go back to the flat land where it doesn't hurt my feet, thighs and only the Lord knows what all is hurting after spending three days packing and moving. My surrounding is unfamiliar and there is more danger in the area where the Lord is sending me. It's easier to balk at things when we are entering new territory, especially if you are a female who likes to have things on a schedule, know what is ahead or just want to live in total security, like myself.
During the process of getting the cattle up this spectacular mountain in the spring and back down the mountain in the fall came the wonderful times when a few of the cattle would break loose from the herd into a field of alfalfa. To the cattle this grass looked rich and full of nutrients. To the rancher this grass meant disaster. When this occurred Glenn would have to break several on the team loose, round up the straying herd and if the cattle had eaten the alfalfa it meant inserting a knife into the side of the animal and running a water hose into its belly, in order to relieve the gas build up.
The Lord is seeing the total picture and he obviously knows that this climb up the ridge is one that will make me stronger, give me the nourishment that I must be needing, and cause my writings to become richer and more fulfilling. He must know my heart was needing something I was unaware of. We can't experience all the Lord has in store for us unless we let go and allow the Lord to lead us where he desires, to place our feet on the ground he wants for us to tread, to fill us with the riches of his love and grace.
The alfalfa fields are out there but the shepherd will be there to lead and guide. He has his staff ever ready to draw us back into the fold and take care of the bumps and bruises we obtain on this adventure. Knowing this, I must allow my father to lead me to the path he knows is best for my life, help me to make the climb, and know he is there each step of the way.
I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. (Psalm 32:8)
Saturday, February 16, 2013
This is a time I must be perfectly honest. The last week I haven't been able to write one word. This morning I woke up with the thought, "Fear will cripple me but hope will set me free." This is a fact my friend. If we are filled with fear we are usually frozen in our tracks; unable to move forward.
Looking back at some of my recent writing and photo's that I posted and realized that the Lord has been preparing me for this adventure in my life without me being aware of the preparation. I thought I was writing things for my readers to be encouraged and drink from. Even the book I recently published was for myself. I had already lived much of it but there was somethings that I hadn't lived. In order for me to truly tell you how to move forward when it feels impossible, I needed to experience the depth of it, for myself.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:11)
These two verses are the verses on my heart today. Just as I learned to ride a bike when I was young and so afraid of getting hurt, I will learn to ride this wave of events. My choice is not to be crippled but to be set free, so therefore I must choose hope.
A person is unable to have faith if they don't have hope. Look at Hebrews 11: 1 and you will see that the two are weaved together and walking hand in hand. The three of us shall walk closely together. Faith in one hand and hope in the other.
With this being said, I must let my readers know that Steve has resigned his position in the church and we are relocating. We covet your prayers and ask each of you to pray the Lord shows us what is next. The next few weeks will be filled with packing, moving, and all the events of a new life, in a new place. If I don't write on my blog often, it's not because I have forgotten to or don't want to, it's because of our busy schedule.
The greatest ministry we had was at Northside Baptist Church and I will be praying that they keep up the faith, keep on suppling The Living Water to the children and youth of Kermit. I will miss this ministry with all my heart and am positive I will have to come back and help with VBS if I am not working a regualar job. God isn't through here, he has only just begun. He placed us here and used us to start something that he wants to finish.
Friday, February 8, 2013
When my world is spinning,
My hope is in you.
When I've lost my footing,
My hope is in you.
When I can't find my way in life,
My hope is in you.
You are the God of hope.
You will fill me with joy and peace.
I will abound in your hope.
You will be my guide.
My hope is in you.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Don't let your fears and anxiety tie you down. Trust in the Lord to direct your path. Keep your focus on him and not what is causing your world to be in a spin. He will carry you through. He has carried you before and he will do it again.
He is faithful when the world is turned upside down. He is our constant supply for every one of our needs.
Casting all your cares on him; for he careth for you. (I Peter 5:7)
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
recently took the fifth grade class back on Wednesday nights. This class has
from sixteen to nineteen very active fifth graders in it and I promise there is
never a dull moment.
What route are you on? Our class has been doing a study
called, "Route 66." This is a
wonderful study about all the books in the bible. Each week there is a lesson about the
overview of each book of the bible, hands on bible questions and usually a puzzle.
I'm not sure but I think someone should make an adult version of this little study.
I have been a pastor's wife for
thirty-two years now and it surprises me sometimes as to what I learn while
teaching this group. It has shown me how
little we read the word of God. You
would think after thirty-two years of study in the word of God that I would
have most of it memorized or at least know more about it than I do.
It is apparent to me, as
twenty first century Christians we have been on the wrong route. We honestly don't know the word of God the
way that we should. What steps can we
take in order to get back on the right track?
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to
be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
(II Timothy 2:15)
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
As I woke up this morning and made
coffee I felt an urging to go to the piano and play it. This hasn't been a
habit of mine lately due to writing the book and uploading it in order to make
it available on Kindle. Also much time has been spent working on the music
files we just completed uploading onto Amazon. I have been so caught up in the
business of things that I haven’t spent very much time in my sanctuary.
As I sat playing the piano, the Lord
started giving me another song. This is something that has only happened a few
times in my life. When it does occur I am overwhelmed with gratitude that the
Lord would allow me to be used this way.
The Lord has taken all my past fears
and worries away many times during the time spent playing the piano. There have
been times I felt life was useless and the defeat that engulfed my life would
not let me go. During those times I would go to the piano to play a song or two
and find myself there for hours. When I walked away from that instrument I
realized my soul had found healing.
There are probably some of my
readers that have experienced this exact feeling. The balm of healing for your soul may
come through music, the scripture or a quiet walk out in the country.
Eventually you realize that this is
your sanctuary. It's the place you go when you are sad, broken or feel
hopeless. This is the place of healing for you. This place needs to not only be the
place we go when we are defeated or hurt, it needs to be the place we go
regularly. Each of us needs a place to go that is quiet, a place where the Lord
can meet with us.
Have you visited that place, your
sanctuary, lately? Allow the Lord to do more than just take your worries and
fears away. Visit this place and allow him to fill you with something new and
Too many times we move away from the sanctuary, once we have found the balm for our own soul, but the Lord is waiting there to give you more, much more. He may be wanting to fill you so that you can carry the balm of healing to someone else's soul. Are you willing to wait before the Lord in the sanctuary and allow him to use you?
Too many times we move away from the sanctuary, once we have found the balm for our own soul, but the Lord is waiting there to give you more, much more. He may be wanting to fill you so that you can carry the balm of healing to someone else's soul. Are you willing to wait before the Lord in the sanctuary and allow him to use you?
Elijah was an ordinary man that did
ordinary things but because he went to his sanctuary, and didn't leave until
the Lord moved upon his life, great things happened. We read in I Kings chapter
18 how that Elijah had many ups and downs but we also see how he would go to
his sanctuary and how the Lord would move in a mighty way. We need to allow the
Lord to use us, just ordinary people, to do extraordinary things.
Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he cast himself down upon the earth,
and put his face between his knees, And said to his servant, Go up now, look
toward the sea. And he went up, and looked, and said, There is nothing. And he
said, Go again seven times. And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he
said, Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man’s hand.
And he said, Go up, say unto Ahab, Prepare thy chariot, and get thee down, that
the rain stop thee not. (I Kings18:43-44)
Monday, February 4, 2013
Saturday, February 2, 2013
"Laugh it's free," has a posting on their facebook page of a groundhog holding a sign that says, "I'M A RODENT NOT A METEOROLIST." This photo caused me to stop and wonder why as humans we take an item, a person, an event and make it into something that it is not. Do we really believe if the groundhog sees it's own shadow it's a predictions of what the weather will be?
This photo goes to prove that we make things and people into something they are not. We invision certain things that are not realisitc. We can invision them into a monster or we can invision them into a princess, king or a queen.
As I am writing on my blog each day and also compiling the two books, many of my writers will invision me as a Godly hero. Many will put me on a pedistal and present me to be something that I have never claimed to be. Then there will be a few that invision me to be as unrealitic in the opposite direction.
The truth of the matter is I am much like the groundhog who needs to wear a sign around my neck that states who I really am.
I am much worse than the groundhog himself, the scripture says, "I am a worm." But it also says I have been bought with a price and redeemed by the blood of the lamb.
The scripture says for us not to make ourselves to appear greater than we are. So I am posting my sign today and as I write I want each of my readers to know who I really am. I'm not any greater and I'm am not any lesser.

Therefore, it is up to us to keep our focus on the Lord Jesus Christ and not on somebody or something.
I must say thanks to my precious friend Carol Garborg who provived these stripture, reminding me who I really am.
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