Saturday, May 11, 2013


     Recently life has changed for me.  Life was always lived with my neighbors being the same color and speaking the same language as myself.  Friends, we just don't understand what the song means that says, "Jesus loves the little children" when our lives have been surrounded daily with our own nationality. 

     The Lord is truly testing Christians in the 21st Century to see if we truly believe what we teach our little children. It's easy to teach them the cute little song if we are thinking about sending someone we are acquainted with out onto the mission field into another country. 

     No! that is not the lives we live in the 21st Century.  During this time the mission field moved into your neighborhood, your job, and your church.  Asking you this question!

     "What color is your love?"

     With our recent move, a new job, new church, and new neighborhood was implemented.  With this change a new world was opened up to me, one that I have pondered much about over the last few weeks.  My job and new neighborhood consist of many Christian men and woman who let their faith be known to me.  I am thankful for this taking place but I am saddened by the amount of Christians I have met in the area who are not willing to except God's children the way he excepts them.  When they see I am walking and talking with other nationalities they make it a point to let me know that certain people are not welcome into their group. This in turn tells me, that I am not welcome either, and you know, that's alright with me!

     As Godly men and woman we are not to judge people by their skin color.  It's not my lost friends that are saying unkind remarks about different nationalities.  It is people who tell me they are Christians. 

     Is it possible that the ones Christians are shutting out of their circle actually know how to love better than people who profess to wear the name of Christ?

    Last week as I spoke in Midland Texas, Carla Smith who is an African American brought the house down as she was anointed by the Almighty God and she allowed Christ to use her in a powerful way.  My plan is to put Carla in my back pocket and take her with me wherever I go! 

     Is it possible that in your segregated circle you have actually shut the door to the anointing of the Holy Spirit?   

     Wouldn't it be sad to walk through the gates of glory and find out that the derogatory post and comments about brothers and sisters with different color skin had actually shut the anointing of God out of your life?

     Many people feel they would be shutting God's anointing out by accepting people of different countries and nationalities.  My friend, I am here to tell you that it's time to examine who Christ is and stop telling others you look like him when in fact you don't. 

     Have you ever thought that you, the one posting tacky comments about other nationalities are just a sojourner in this land yourself. 

     What if God's Facebook page said this about you? 

     Oh no, don't let him through my gates because he is from another country. 

     If we truly want God to accept us into his presence with open arms then we need to start accepting others the way we want Christ to accept us. 

For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward: He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment. Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God; him shalt thou serve, and to him shalt thou cleave, and swear by his name. He is thy praise, and he is thy God, that hath done for thee these great and terrible things, which thine eyes have seen. (Duet 10:17-21)

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