Saturday, February 6, 2016


When you are feeling joy - Dig a Well of laughter
and dancing into your families lives and leave a taste
of the living water in their mind of pure
joy, love and contentment.

When you are feeling sad - Cry your tears of sorrow
before your family and dig a well by leaving the
taste of living water in their mind that your
sorrow can be turned into rejoicing and your
sadness can teach you lessons that will help
others deal with their sorrow.

When you are angry -  Take your anger
and dig the deepest well you can; for
in digging to the depths of the aquifer
it could burst out streams of living water
that flow to deeper places than you ever
imagined.  Anger can produce something
within you that could never burst forth had
you lived your life without experiencing it.

When you are lonely - Take your loneliness
and write something that people can read
and fill the void of loneliness in their own soul. 
Upon doing so, you will have something to read
in your darker moments of loneliness and find
a well to drink from that will help you once
again make it through the lonely times you
are momentarily facing.  

When you are hurting - Realize that hurting
people hurt people; so show your
family how to break that cycle and
start of flow of service and compassion that
not only will fill your soul but bless other
hurting people in the process which starts a
flow of blessings into even more peoples lives.

When you are tired - Hold the handle to your
shovel loose enough that others can take it
and dig awhile.  Allow others to join you 
and enjoy the moment of digging a well
together and that can supply living water
to those who are thirsty.

Doing these things can be difficult but the
rewards of watching the living water flow,
keep flowing, flow deeper, flow further,
and flow wider brings the greatest sense of
contentment a person could ever experience. 
Neither diamonds, pearls, nor all the wealth
of the world  could ever fill the void
in our lives like digging a well and
to enjoy watching the living water
flow back to into our own lives
and into the lives of other people.
Pure joy and contentment
can be found in Digging A Well  

May we all have the strength to
keep digging through all of our
experiences in life.

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