Wednesday, June 19, 2013


     Today I went for a walk at the park, down by the pond.  There was a bench there so I decided to sit and for awhile.  I began to look around me at all the beauty and then I began to wonder how that some people struggle with the fact that their is a God.

     As I was sitting there I began to see all the different trees growing in that one location.  There was the American Elm, Bur Oak, Red Oak, Cedar and Pecan trees and a spruce of some sort.  They were all mixed together with great vines growing and draping to the ground.  The rainfall here has been so wonderful this year that the grass is almost velvet.  As a child this was the perfect type grass for rolling and doing cartwheels or just lying on the ground watching the clouds pass by. 

     The wind was blowing briskly forcing ripples on the water to move westard along the pond, as the birds swooped down into the water for a drink.  The butterfies fluttering all around the pond, drinking up the nectar, from the dainty flowers that embrace the banks of the pond.

     As I listened closely I could hear the birds singing several different tunes yet in a melodious harmony.  The bullfrogs chummed in, filling in the base notes, as the crickets sang soprano when it came to their scale in the song.  The ducks somehow must have felt neglected or avoided because all of a sudden the air was filled in unison with several loud quacks.  Instantly a glorious sound of a Bobwhite began to resignate from the trees, as the crickets cherped along.  The pigeons softly cued as they strutted around on the grass.  All of this wonder caused me to stop in awe at what God had orchestrated. 

     All of nature was working together to perform the greatest musical of all times right there before my eyes.  My mind can't fathom that someone could doubt the existence of a God, someone who can orchestrate the whole universe to be filled with such majesty and wonder. 

And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy,
is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
(Isaiah 6:3)

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