Sunday, June 16, 2013


     Do you ever feel God isn't there?  Do you feel he doesn't love you or has pulled away from you for some reason?  Do you feel his existence is so far from you that you can't feel his presence any longer.  A quite walk in nature can give you a whole new prospective. 

     Today as I was walking in the park I actually had the thought pass through my mind, "Lord I long to feel your presence to know you are here and not so far away." 

     I really do know he is with me wherever I go and whatever I do but today I was just feeling a bit empty and down trodden.  I know I'm not the only one that feels this as I have talked with many who experience these emotions on a regular basis.

     As I walked along the pathway, the trees began to rustle and I gently heard the Lord say, "I am here, can you sense my presence?"  I walked further and the clouds began to take on different forms.  The Lord gently said, "I put those clouds in the sky today for you to see their movement and enjoy the different forms taking place."  The longer I walked the more I saw.  The birds were singing a glorious melody and the hawk was souring the sky with majestic beauty.  As the flowers waved and sent a fragrance or aroma through the air I sensed the Lord was saying, "I painted this canvas for you my child.  I filled it with aroma I knew you would love."  I filled the river with a calming ripple that would proclaim my glorious name.  Can you feel me?  Do you know how much I care?

     There was a squirrel running and jumping with joy and a butterfly fluttering from place to place, painting a beautiful picture of his majestic love.  The grass was so soft and luscious to soften the pathway.  It made me realize how very loved I must be. 

Did he take the time to paint this scene for me today?
Did he know that I would turn and walk this way?

Do you know just what I need? 
Oh Lord of all, "You are my King!" 
You are the Father and maker of life. 
The creator and redeemer of strife. 
You gave yourself to set me free. 
Oh you're my Savior, and you love me. 
You love me when I feel unloved. 
You clothe me in redemptive blood. 
You came to set my weary heart free.
Yes, You painted this canvas just for me. 

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